Work packages
PUFFIN Workshop, Berlin, Nov 3, 2013

ICT-2011.9.2 High-Tech Research Intensive SMEs in FET research

FP7 European Project 2012-2015
Preprints and reprints
The following papers acknowledge support by the PUFFIN project.
Most recent papers appear on top.
Published papers
"Intelligent Voltage Ramp-up Time Adaptation for Temperature Noise Reduction on
Memory-based PUF Systems"
by Mafalda Cortez, Said Hamdioui, Ali Kaichouhi,
Vincent van der Leest, Roel Maes, and Geert-Jan Schrijen.
Published in IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits
and Systems, issue 99, 2015.
author copy
"Circuit challenges from cryptography" by
Ingrid Verbauwhede, Josep Balasch, Sujoy Sinha Roy, and Anthony Van Herrewege.
Appeared at IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference,
pages 428-429, 2015.
author copy
"Investigating SRAM PUFs in large CPUs and GPUs" by
Pol van Aubel, Daniel J. Bernstein, and Ruben Niederhagen.
Appeared at Conference on Security, Privacy, and Applied
Cryptography Engineering - SPACE,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 9354, Springer, 2015
< href="">ePrint preprint.
- "Bad directions in cryptographic hash functions" by Daniel
J. Bernstein, Andreas Hülsing, Tanja Lange, and Ruben Niederhagen. Appeared
at ACISP 2015.
ePrint preprint (extended version).
- "SPHINCS: practical stateless hash-based signatures" by Daniel
J. Bernstein, Daira Hopwood, Andreas Hülsing, Tanja Lange, Ruben
Niederhagen, Louiza Papachristodoulou, Michael Schneider, Peter
Schwabe, and Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn. Appeared at Eurocrypt 2015.
ePrint preprint
- "On the Practical Exploitability of Dual EC in TLS Implementations" by
Stephen Checkoway, Matthew Fredrikson, Ruben Niederhagen, Adam Everspaugh,
Matthew Green, Tanja Lange, Thomas Ristenpart,
Daniel J. Bernstein, Jake Maskiewicz, and Hovav Shacham. Appeared at
USENIX Security Symposium 2014
Open access version from USENIX
- "Software Only, Extremely Compact,Keccak-based Secure PRNG on ARM
Cortex-M" by
Anthony Van Herrewege and Ingrid Verbauwhede. Appeared at
In 51st Design Automation Conference (DAC 2014)
author copy
- "Lightweight Anti-Counterfeiting Solution for Low-End Commodity
Hardware Using Inherent PUFs" by Andre Schaller, Tolga Arul, Vincent
van der Leest, and Stefan Katzenbeisser. Appeared at TRUST 2014
author copy
- "Countering the Effects of Silicon Aging on SRAM PUFs" by
Roel Maes and Vincent van der Leest. Appeared at HOST 2014
author copy
- "The spammed code offset method" by
Boris Skoric and Niels de Vreede. Appeared in
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol 9, issue 5,
pages 875 - 884, 2014.
ePrint preprint
IEEE version
"Inherent PUFs and Secure PRNGs on Commercial Off-the-Shelf
Microcontrollers (Demonstration)" by
Anthony van Herrewege, Andre Schaller, Stefan Katzenbeisser,
and Ingrid Verbauwhede. Done at
20th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS),
ACM Digital Library version.
- "Bias-based modeling and entropy analysis of PUFs" by
Robbert van den Berg, Boris Skoric, and Vincent van der Leest. Appeared at
TrustED 2013
ePrint version
- "Secure PRNG Seeding on Commercial Off-the-Shelf Microcontrollers"
by Anthony van Herrewege, Vincent van der Leest, Andre Schaller,
Stefan Katzenbeisser, and Ingrid Verbauwhede. Appeared at
TrustED 2013
Author copy
- "An Accurate Probabilistic Reliability Model for Silicon PUFs" by
Roel Maes. Appeared at
CHES 2013
ePrint version
- "Physically Unclonable Functions found in Standard Components of Commercial Devices" by
Andre Schaller and Vincent van der Leest. Appeared at TRUDEVICE 2013
Author copy
- "Adapting Voltage Ramp-up Time for Temperature Noise Reduction on Memory-based PUFs" by Mafalda Cortez, Said Hamdioui, Vincent van der Leest, Roel Maes, Geert-Jan Schrijen. Appeared at HOST 2013.
Author copy
"LiBrA-CAN: a Lightweight Broadcast Authentication protocol for Controller
Area Networks" by
Bodgan Groza, Stefan Murvay, Anthony Van Herrewege, and Ingrid Verbauwhede.
Appeared in
Cryptology and Network Security, #E International Conference, CANS 2012,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 185-200, 2012.
author copy
"PUFKY: A Fully Functional PUF-based Cryptographic Key Generator" by
Roel Maes, Anthony Van Herrewege, and Ingrid Verbauwhede.
Appeared in Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded
Systems - CHES 2012, Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol 7428,
pages 302-319. Springer, 2012.
author copy
- "Tiny application-specific programmable processor for BCH decoding" by
Anthony Van Herrewege and Ingrid Verbauwhede. Appeared at
International Symposium on System-on-Chip 2012.
Author copy
Preprints and theses
- "Lightweight PUF-based Key and Random Number Generation" by Anthony
Van Herrewege. PhD thesis, KU Leuven, I. Verbauwhede (promotor), 202 pages, 2015
Author copy
- "Eliminating Leakage in Reverse Fuzzy Extractors" by
Andre Schaller, Boris Skoric, and Stefan Katzenbeisser.
- "Compact and Side Channel Secure Discrete Gaussian Sampling" by
Sujoy Sinha Roy, Oscar Reparaz, Frederik Vercauteren, and Ingrid Verbauwhede.
- "How to manipulate curve standards: a white paper for the black hat" by
Daniel J. Bernstein, Tung Chou, Chitchanok Chuengsatiansup, Andreas Hülsing, Tanja Lange, Ruben Niederhagen, and Christine van Vredendaal.
Scientific deliverables
These reports include published and submitted papers in the appendices.
Administrative deliverables
Last modified: 2015.08.14